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Promoting your website product or services comes with a wealth of benefits, one of which is inexpensive 3rd party referral traffic to your website. Here are some ways to turn these platforms into traffic generators. BLOGS In our other article,1 5 FREE WAYS TO INCREASE WEB TRAFFIC, we discuss a key method to generate traffic, […]

What is the #1 desire that small business owners want for their website? Over 61% of them, according to Hubspot, would say More traffic to their site. More traffic, equals, more business leads and sales, which is the goal for a website in the first place. But how is this achieved? Of course you can […]

Designing for Mixed Generations : The Challenge
Designing is a artDesigning is a craftDesigning is for performanceDesigning is for beauty and function. But in this day and age, designing has become more of a psychological science, with each generational groups assuming different ideas of an intuitive interface. The success of a design and ultimately the software, is keyed on multiple generations being […]

It is almost business still need a website?
IT IS ALMOST 2025! With social media dominating the connection world, many business are asking, do we even need a website anymore. Is not a social media page enough? The short answer is yes, even more so. Increasingly the digital world is taking over. Large corporation are even warehousing their once brick and mortar inventory […]

Customize Plugin Action Links
Programming and customizing your own WordPress plugins can be super fun and extremely satisfying. Yet sometimes the unique features, finding out to make them work, I find, is frustrating. Lots of blogs, none of which fully explain each variable and why things need to be done in the way they need to be done. Hopefully […]

How to Delete WHM Server Backups
WHM is a powerful server interface that allows many functions to be automatically process while hosting websites. Yet managing the server can be equally taxing as keeping the sites up to date and running properly. One of the weakness of the the system is that while backups can be created automatically, deleting those backups is […]

Business Owners Think They Don’t Need a Website. Is it True?
There are plenty of reasons small businesses think they don’t need a website. Many of these reasons are appealing because they make it easier for the business to get started. Some may even have a kernel of truth. There is just one big problem. None of them are true. It might be easier to skip steps. It may […]

How To Send Emails In PHP
Core function: mail() Sending email messages are very common for a web application, for example, sending welcome email when a user create an account on your website, sending newsletters to your registered users, or getting user feedback or comment through website’s contact form, and so on. PHP has a built-in mail function that can be […]

How to Switch Hosting without Killing Your SEO
Almost nothing is permanent — people change, businesses change and, of course, web hosting changes. As most new owners think the grass is always greener with some other developer. Cheaper, better, but the reality is, websites are not simple and the landscape is getting increasingly complicated. From a business owner, you might find yourself wanting to […]

The True Cost of Custom WordPress Plugin Development
Honestly, it depends. Not the answer you were looking for. That’s the most frustrating answer you can possibly get, isn’t it? It seems evasive, doesn’t give you a straightforward number, and you’re still stuck without any clarity. Here’s an honest answer, because anyone who knows what they are doing, having doing it before, will say…….because it’s […]
MemberPress vs LearnDash vs Woocommerce Memberships vs Memberium
Which should you use? LearnDash, MemberPress, Woocommerce Memberships and Memberium, all offer solutions to create, sell, and manage online courses. However, each of the platforms have unique features and benefits that cater to different goals. What Is LearnDash? LearnDash is a popular learning management system that lead the way in the early 2010’s. Used by […]
CDN : Content Distribution Network. The Need For Speed. Is It Right For You?
Everybody wants it…speed, quick, fast, instant now. Wait more than 2 seconds and any marketer will tell you, your bounce rate will go up and you will lose business. Your site will be graded into a A, B, C, D or even F category. Your ranking diminished. If you are curious how your site would […]
As of July 2021, Facebook, the leader of all social media platforms, according to To be a successful the social media space, is all about posting the right information, the right photo, the right message is an indicator of your performance. Usually this is done by a professional, who has learned the technology of […]
2021 Update: Website Load Speed Report
WHY IS LOAD SPEED IMPORTANT Your website is undergoing a metamorphosis without you even knowing it. Speed has become king, even over content. Here are some basic facts that can effect your sites performance in 2021. PERFORMANCE POINTS 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if pages take longer than 3 seconds to load. A […]
What Exactly is Bot Traffic?
Bot traffic is defined as any machine driven, non-human traffic that connects to your website or app. Often “bots” are associated with all things negative, as they tend to be irritating due to their irrelevance in terms of user engagement. However, bots aren’t necessarily good or bad. It all depends on their purpose. Some bots are designed […]